The Austere Academy by Lemony Snicket | Teen Ink

The Austere Academy by Lemony Snicket

May 8, 2014
By williej BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
williej BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Forget the past"- Nelson Mandela

The Austere Academy book 5 of A Series Of Unfortunate Events

Imagine your parents killed and gone forever by a horrible fire. Imagine a fortune left to you but only when you are of age. Imagine a man forcing you to go through horrible experiences. Imagine all of your life destroyed by fire. In this book by Lemony Snicket he describes the life of The Baudelaires who are three siblings that live like this. Their names are Violet, Klaus, and Sunny. You would think that having a huge fortune to your name would be great. It probably would be for anyone besides The Baudelaires.

Imagine the one person in your life that won’t go away. Whenever you think that person might be done making fun of you or finally gone away they show right back up in your life again. This for the Baudelaires is a man named Count Olaf. Olaf is a lot more than the person who bugs you actually. He is that times ten. In this book The Baudelaires think they have finally gotten rid of Olaf. Then guess who shows up?Lemony Snicket foreshadows Count Olaf’s return multiple times and he does it wonderfully.

Lemony Snicket uses great words all throughout the story. In some times he gives words then gives their meaning to further explain what is going on. If you see a word you don’t know more than likely Lemony Snicket will give the definition of it. Lemony Snicket slows the story down a lot. It adds a lot more of anticipation and excitement to the story. He will also talk to the reader frequently and even suggest that they go find another book to read. Because the title of the series “A Series Of Unfortunate Events” is not going to be a happy line of books. Overall Lemony Snicket is a great writer and he portrayed The Baudelaires perfectly. This book is an excellent piece of literature.

The author's comments:
I hope everyone will read this book it is amazing!

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