OverRide by Heather Anastasiu | Teen Ink

OverRide by Heather Anastasiu

May 8, 2014
By kayblue BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
kayblue BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
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I never thought that it could be bad to live in a world where the people have chips in their bodies, and were controlled by the government, until I read this book. This book made me realize that in order to live a life, that you have to be in control of your life. This book also made me realize that life isn't always what you want it to be, but you should still try to make the most of it. I have read the first book in the series of three, Glitch, and that book also did a great job of showing these things. There is also more things this book does a great job of showing.

One thing this book does a great job of showing is foreshadowing. In this book there is a character that can see things in the visions that he has. The author does this because when this person sees these visions, he will describe them to another character. This will give you a hint to as what will happen later in the book, or what is going to happen very soon, even at that moment. When the author does this, it also gives you a surprise as to what happens next.

Another thing that the author does a great job of doing, is describing how the characters look and feel. The author does a great job with this because when there is a new character that is introduced in the book, the author will describe how they look so that you could get a picture in your head. The author also describes how the characters feel because in the book, if the character is going through a rough time or is feeling sad, then the author will tell you why they are sad or why they're going through a rough time. The author will also tell you that they are feeling a certain way, and every once in a while, the author will give you a simile, or compare the characters feeling to something.

The author has done many other great things in this book, but if I tell you all of them then you can’t find any when you're reading. If you are wanting to read this book, then you may want to start with the first book, Glitch. This will help you with the second book, so you could understand it better. If you end up liking the two books, Glitch and OverRide, then there is a third book that you could read. This is a great read, especially if you like romance, mystery, and action books.


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