Secrets In the Shadows by Anne Shraff | Teen Ink

Secrets In the Shadows by Anne Shraff

May 8, 2014
By Keiaira Revis - Greene BRONZE, New York, New York
Keiaira Revis - Greene BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The most amazing part of the book is the rising action. Roylin and his friends found out that the Super was lying when he said he saw Roylin take the money out of the mans, wallet while he was sleeping. When he woke up, he caught a heart attack when he saw that his money was gone. In my opinion, that part was the most amazing and interesting part of the story because it teaches a good lesson. Which is “ Don’t do something that you will regret because when it’s all said and done, it will harm you in the end”. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes mystery and action books, but mostly teenagers because it would be more interesting to them. This book will leave people with alot of questions. People will want there to be a part two.


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