Lost and Found by Anee Schraff | Teen Ink

Lost and Found by Anee Schraff

May 8, 2014
By Lhari Dolma BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
Lhari Dolma BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Someone is stalking me”. This book is about a girl. She is having a hard time because her sister ran away from home and her dad came back after five years. In the book someone was stalking Darcy Wills and later on she found out that it was her father. The title of my book is Lost and Found by Anne Schraff. Anne Schraff is an award winning author who started writing books as a teenager in the 1950s. Anne Schraff’s goal in writing short stories such as Bluford High Series is to encourage young people to enjoy reading. The authors’ purpose is to teach young people that they shouldn’t go with bad friends because things happen during the teenage years and the importance of dealing with it in a good and successful way. In this book the author mostly relates the story to teenage people. The genre of Lost and Found is Realistic Fiction.
My favorite part of this book is when Darcy and Jamee called the police because Darcy thought that someone was following her. Later on they found out that it was her dad. Five years prior, he left them to be with some other young lady. They were happy and angry at the same time because at one point he left them because of some other girl and also they are happy because he is back. This book inspires me because I found out how your life can be miserable and you have to always make the right decision. Also, people should go with good friends. I would recommend this book to teenagers because it mostly talks about a high school kid that is about our age. This book kept my interest from beginning to end without wanting to stop reading.
“Sometimes good people do rotten things”. In the book Darcy was talking to Tarah about how her dad left them and came back after long time. So Tarah told Darcy,“Sometimes good people do rotten things, then they realize the mistakes they’ve made and turn their lives around. You can’t give up on people, God don’t give up on us. No matter what we do." So Darcy thinks that she shouldn’t give up on her dad and forgive him.

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