The Fault In Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

May 7, 2014
By Anonymous

I have mixed feelings about The Fault In Our Stars. I love the storyline and think the characters are very well developed. However, I thought the plot line was a bit predictable. John Green is good at foreshadowing but I feel like he foreshadowed an important event a bit too much that made you certain it was going to happen. He also said wasn’t as descriptive about it as I would have liked. I had to reread and question if I was understanding what was happening. That was the only negative aspect of the book.
I thought the characters, Hazel and Augustus, were very well developed. When each character was talking I could see their personalities coming through. They connected very well together. I also love the way the book leaves you thinking. It leaves you thinking the same way Hazel did after reading her favorite book. I think John Green wrapped up the book very well. It did leave me thinking but not too much questioning was going on. Just small questions about what happened to some characters.
I feel like the message was clear and true. That being good things, or hope, comes to those who need it most. Hazel wasn’t really living before she meet Augustus. She wasn’t really living at all. She says that some infinities are bigger than others. She’s thankful for her infinite with Augustus. That being Augustus was Hazel’s hope. He came into her life when she really needed it. She calling him her infinity.
Overall I liked the book. The characters were well developed and the ending was very well written. I did enjoy it for the most part and I would recommend this book anyone and everyone.

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