The Fault in our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault in our Stars by John Green

May 6, 2014
By Rachel14 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Rachel14 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The destination is never as great as the journey."

“But, Gus, my love, I cannot tell you how thankful I am for our little infinity. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. You gave me forever within the numbered days, and I’m grateful.” The Fault in our Stars is a life-changing book. You pick up this book, expecting it to be another one of those cancer books, sad and depressing and the main character always succumbs to the disease in the end. But this book was different. Instead of a sad cancer story the author, John Green, turns it into an epic love story. This is one of those books that keeps you reading late into the night.

The characters and the theme of the book are both very powerful. The main character is Hazel Grace and she was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer which eventually spread to her lungs at age 13. There was a 20% survival rate and at age 16 she is still battling. She must carry around an oxygen tank to help her to breathe and she has a special outlook on life. She has come to turn with death and the fact that she probably won’t live to her 50’s. She goes to Support groups every week to make her family happy even though she hates it and at one of these meetings is where she meets him. Augustus Waters. 17. A touch of osteosarcoma but was all healthy now. And this is who changes her life.

The theme of the book was that Love Conquers All, even nasty things such as cancer. Hazel and Augustus had to fight everyday just to survive, not to mention everything else they had to deal with in their lives. They show the reader that there is more to life than sitting inside all day. They show that if you love someone you can achieve and conquer great things. This book brings together so many points of view on how to live your life and live it to its fullest. They lived life thinking that cancer was not the bad guy, it just wanted attention and the only way to get that was to survive inside of something else. Overall this was an amazing book and I would highly recommend this to readers.

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