Soccerland by Beth Choat | Teen Ink

Soccerland by Beth Choat

May 6, 2014
By hellohihey123123 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
hellohihey123123 BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Don’t waste your time worrying about what you can’t change. Just go out there and get the job done. To quote Yoda, ‘Do or do not. There is no try.’” In Soccerland, by Beth Choat, Flora Dupre wants to be on the United States women's soccer team. When she gets the chance to try out, she goes out and does it.

I really like the way that Beth Choat, the author, describes everything that happens. She has amazing detail for nearly everything. She does a great job explaining the looks of characters. It makes you feel like you are there within the book.

I love the way that Choat uses a very common theme, to always follow your dreams, and turns it a different way. She takes it to the next level almost. When Flora is in her hometown she receives a letter saying that she has the chance to try out for the team. At first she doesn't really know if she wants to go and leave her family behind. Her family kept pushing her to do it and she finally decided for it. That was a good choice too. Flora goes through a lot while at the camp but she got through it after a while.
Flora gets a lot of hate from three people that really don't like her. She calls them the Queen B’s. They have no reason to hate her, so everyone is confused as to why they do. But in the end Flora gets through all of it and the Queen B’s don't make the team.
This book is overall very well written and I would recommend it to anyone who is in to sports stories or non fiction books. I would give Soccerland a solid 9.5. Beth Choat does an amazing job with nearly everything, but there are some things she can change and or make better.

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