Divergent by Veronica Roth | Teen Ink

Divergent by Veronica Roth

May 5, 2014
By isabelle_grace123 BRONZE, Bedford, New York
isabelle_grace123 BRONZE, Bedford, New York
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Favorite Quote:

When you are looking for a new book, you should ask yourself, "What, do I want to find" and "How, will I find a book that suits me?” Some people might look at the title and then read the blurb. Others might start to read the first few pages of the book to see if it is worth reading. But for me, one book in particular caught my eye while I was trying to pick a new book. The book was called "Divergent" by Veronica Roth. The title, Divergent, had me asking myself so many questions like "What is Divergent?" I opened up the book and immediately was hooked.
Divergent is a novel that was published by HarperCollins Children’s Books in 2011. It’s about a young girl named Beatrice who lives in a post-apocalyptic world. The citizens of futuristic Chicago are divided up into 5 “factions”. You decide on a new faction to live in when you are 16 years old. Once you choose a faction, you can never go back to your old one. During the aptitude tests (tests that help you make your faction decision), Tris discovers something that makes her realize that she wasn't the person that she or anyone else thought she was.
This book was very interesting and it is basically impossible to stop reading it. On a scale from one to ten, one being the lowest and 10 being the highest, I would give Divergent a 10 because of its amazing storyline and suspense. It’s futuristic setting reminds me of the Hunger Games a little bit. On top of that, it has amazing and terrifying plot twists that keep the reader guessing the fate of some characters. Veronica Roth, who was only twenty-two when she wrote Divergent, is a brilliant writer, who uses a suspenseful tone for most of the novel which helps to build up the intense plot. There are also some life lessons and helpful advice hidden in her novel;
“Becoming fearless isn't the point. That's impossible. It's learning how to control your fear, and how to be free from it”
Divergent has a unique and suspenseful plot that all teens and adults can enjoy. Though the book is a little bit too mature for elementary schoolers, I would definitely recommend this novel to anyone looking for a great read with action, suspense, and plot twists to keep you at the edge of your seat for the whole duration of the book. If you end up loving this book, then you can also read the next two books in this trilogy; Insurgent, and Allegiant.

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