The Scorch Trials | Teen Ink

The Scorch Trials

May 8, 2014
By Jacob Brueckner BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Jacob Brueckner BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Scorch Trials by James Dashner

The Scorch Trials is the second book in the Maze Runner series. The main character (Thomas) has escaped the maze in the first book, then is “saved” by some people that they don’t know. They are taken to a building where they eat, clean, then sleep. In the morning, the door to the common room is locked and there are Cranks (people who have gotten the Flare, a deadly man made virus that slowly makes people insane) at the windows. Luckily the windows also have bars in them so they can’t get in.

They break the door down, and go to Teresa’s (Thomas’s friend) room. She was gone when they entered, but a boy was in there. His name was Aris, and he has no idea who they are, and they had no idea who he was. They talked, and there was a group 2 that went through the exact same thing as them in the maze, but the boys were girls and the girls were boys.

A man came, and told them they were about to start the “Scorch Trials”. They had to get across the Scorch (a deserted wasteland) in two weeks. On their way, they meet two cranks that help them get to the end because they aren’t too far into the disease yet. They will travel through a city full of deadly Cranks, travel across a wasteland, and over hills to get to the “safe haven” at the end of their journey.

This book is a very interesting read, it is hard to understand why some things happen at times, but I guarantee that you will not be able to put it down.

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