The Walking Dead: The Road to Woodbury by Robert Kirkman and Jay Bonansinga | Teen Ink

The Walking Dead: The Road to Woodbury by Robert Kirkman and Jay Bonansinga

May 5, 2014
By Joseph Martinez BRONZE, Bedford, New York
Joseph Martinez BRONZE, Bedford, New York
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The Walking Dead: The Road to Woodbury

The Walking Dead: The Road to Woodbury is based on a comic book series written by Robert Kirkman. Robert Kirkman did not write this novel alone. He wrote it with Jay Bonansinga. Robert Kirkman is best known for his comic book series The Walking Dead. Jay Bonansinga is best known as a horror novelist. The book was published in 2012, in St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York. There are 4 books of this novel. It is divided to 3 volumes but volume 3 has 2 parts.The Walking Dead: Road to Woodbury is volume 2. The first one is called The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor. These sets of novels are amazing in my opinion because they explain what happened to the characters before they become rivals with a different group. In the comic book The Walking Dead they didn’t explain Phillips group during the beginning of the apocalypse . The novels tell a story focused on him.

The Walking Dead: The Road to Woodbury is about a group Lilly Caul, Bob Stookey, Josh Lee Hamilton, Ceasar Martinez and Phillip Blake later known as the Governor. Phillip was in The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor and is in The Walking Dead :The Road to Woodbury. Lilly, Bob, and Josh are in a big group. The group is in Georgia. They decide to leave the group and survive on their own. When suddenly they come across a man named Ceasar Martinez, who takes them to a town named Woodbury. There in Woodbury, the leader Phillip Blake is trying to convince them to stay in Woodbury. Phillip decided to be known as the Governor.

Josh and Lilly are really close. Josh doesn’t like Woodbury and neither does Lilly. Josh tries to convince Bob to leave with them. During the time they decided to leave, Bob has been working with the Governor. Bob became one of the Governor’s man to go to. Something tragic happens, one character is extremely affected by it. The Governor decides to make a lot of rules which changes Woodbury completely. It changes Woodbury so bad Lilly gets really scared. Lilly still doesn’t know to stay or not, but she makes her decision.
The Walking Dead: Road to Woodbury is a excellent novel to read. I really enjoyed reading it. I never got bored of it. If you read the comics like me, then you might be interested to read this book. This is a good setup before you read the comics or also a good background information if you up to date with the comics. I recommend reading this book if you're interested in zombie apocalypse. This book will also make you anxious to read the next one which is called The Walking Dead: Fall of the Governor.


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