Wave--A Great Read by Sonali Deraniyagala | Teen Ink

Wave--A Great Read by Sonali Deraniyagala

May 5, 2014
By Anonymous

Sonali Deraniyagala wrote an amazing book, Wave, which described the events that occurred before and after the catastrophic tsunami in 2004. She described her family and the amount of love that surrounded her husband and two sons. After the tsunami destroyed the town and killed hundreds of thousands of people including her husband and two children, the pain for her was unbearable. Since this is a rare natal disaster, not many experience such a harsh time in their life, and this book takes readers along the journey of this horrific experience. I noticed that throughout the book, the sentences were short, maybe to add dramatic effect. This made the story easy to comprehend. The description of the surroundings and the waves that crashed against the buildings and cars was made very vivid in my mind. She described her family and how she wanted to keep them in her mind and never lose the memories she had of them. In this case, she tried to hold on to everything memory she had of them. As a reader, it is easy to feel like you were there with her, hoping that she makes the right choses amid all the unfortunate events that occurred. There are many great things that a reader can walk away with after reading this book. Family is a reoccurrence partly due to the fact that they were here rock. She found it extremely difficult to move on, but she finally came to the realization that they were never coming back. This book is exceptional and I would recommend it to teenagers and adults.

The author's comments:
My teacher told me I had to do this to get a grade. Wooo.

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