Flowers for Algernon | Teen Ink

Flowers for Algernon

December 5, 2008
By Anonymous

One school day my English teacher brought the idea of reading a book and we had the choice of two books. One of the books was called Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes. The other book sounded boring. So everyone chose this book. I thought the book was good at first but in the middle it started to get boring because Charly, the main character, got really smart and we didn't know what he was talking about. Then in the ending it was good again because we could now understand what Charly was talking about.

Charly, a retarded man in his thirties had gotten an operation to increase his intelligence. In the beginning of the book, Charly was working in a bakery as the janitor. He had worked there for a long time. He was also going to a collage for retarded adults. As a boy he had trouble with his life. His father was tired of him and wanted to send him away to the Warren State Hospital, but his mother had faith in him and thought that he would somehow get smart. He wanted so much to get smart, and one-day, two men named Prof. Nemur and Dr. Strauss wanted to use him for an experiment. The experiment included an operation that would help him to increase his intelligence. He kept a journal recording the changes he went through. In the end, Charly started to get retarded again.

I thought the book was interesting because Charly was a grown man and didn't know how to read and write anything. But in the middle of the book I started to lose interest because it was getting too sexual and Charly was getting too smart. In the end, I thought it was weird because Charly stared to get dumb. It seems so unusual that anyone would lose their intelligence.

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