The Outsiders | Teen Ink

The Outsiders

December 5, 2008
By Anonymous

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to burn the law? Ponybitch and his best friend Johnny are experiencing this firsthand. They’re just a couple of shy Greasers only living to hate the Socs. They live in the city in a run down neighborhood and are jealous of the Socs. The Socs are the rich gang in the town and Ponyboy and Johnny think they have it so easy.

One cold dark night something happed to Ponyboy and Johnny that changed the course of there life’s forever. After this incident they had tell someone. Ponyboy knew not to tell his brothers so he when to see Dallas. Dallas helped them to run away and lay low for a while. So Ponyboy and Johnny went to a old barn out in the country. All was going well every one forgot about what happened. Everything was going to go downhill from there.

This was a great book. You’ll never want to put it down. There’s action in every page of the book. The book The Outsiders shows that you should always put friends and family first. Johnny and Ponyboy learned that no matter how rich or poor you are it is rough everywhere.


This article has 1 comment.

Setter14 said...
on Sep. 20 2010 at 8:55 pm
I'm dismayed by the lack of editing in this review. Who allowed the "misspelling" of the main character's name in the first paragraph?