Bronx Masquerade | Teen Ink

Bronx Masquerade

December 5, 2008
By Anonymous

How would you feel if someone you didn't know was judging you? Tyrone Bittings has a bad habit of judging others before he gets to know them.

Tyrone has had a tough life, his dad abused him and his mom, and then he abandoned them! To top it all off, Tyrone has to start at a new school this year, high school. It is the last place he wants to be. The students at his new high school all come from different backgrounds; they have a tendency to judge one another. They all come together in their one class. English.

As soon as they begin their first unit in their English class, everything changes. Everybody seems to be enjoying learning about poetry. All of the students seem to be loving the class! Mr. Ward, their teacher, comes up with a brilliant idea for the class to share their poetry, and for the whole school to hear them present their personal writing!

Bronx Masquerade by Nikki Grimes is an exciting adventure about finding yourself and getting to know others. This book was interesting to me, because I love meeting so many other characters and hearing their opinions of the story. If you like feeling like you are part of the story, I suggest this book to you!

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