Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater | Teen Ink

Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater

May 2, 2014
By APaterson19 BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
APaterson19 BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Love in the Woods

I pictured dead trees and frozen leaves on the ground a blond girl in the snow with red all around her. This was how the story began, one of the best book s I have ever read. Shiver written by Maggie (Margret) Stiefvater was a blend of longing gazes, loving kisses, and bittersweet goodbyes. Every paragraph was captivating, I felt as if I was standing there with Grace and Sam. I could visualize everything as if from a picture.

The artistry of here words were lovely, and the poetry beautiful. After reading a bit about the author, I felt as if she put herself into each of her character; from Sam’s musical ability, to Grace’s love of books. The author has a way of writing in which she shows the reader rather than tells, which I love in a book. In my opinion actions speak louder than words, even in literature.
This story was consistent and fun, as well as suspenseful and sad. I loved how Maggie keeps to her story all throughout the book, even though she switches the person narrating from Sam to Grace depending on the chapter. I loved her use of multiple perspectives, and how she gave each character a voice, and variation in the way each character narrated. When Sam was narrating the tone and way of describing events was completely different than Grace. The imagination of the story is brilliant, taking a well-known concept of werewolves, and putting the twist of temperature on it instead of using the well know moon factor.
Overall I loved this book, and would recommend it to anyone who loves fantasy, of love stories. This book is easy to read, but very hard to put down! It is and amazingly thrilling, sad, and beautiful story. Anyone who is thinking about reading this book SHOULD!

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