Forgotten by Cat Patrick | Teen Ink

Forgotten by Cat Patrick

May 2, 2014
By Anonymous

Forgotten is a teenage novel, written by Cat Patrick. At first, the story was very difficult and unclear, as stated in the Amazon review. The story was confusing because Cat Patrick just jumps straight into the main character London Lane’s life, without any explanations or background information. However, after the first few chapters, the book began to make sense, and I began to understand more of what was going on. I thought that the plot itself was unique and creative, however, I do not think it was executed well.
Although the plot itself was hard to understand, I thought that Cat Patrick did do a nice job in her artistry. I think she used language that was creative and interesting, that would appeal to teenagers. I believe that this was the intended audience, as it discussed London’s struggle with some issues that teenagers deal with everyday, such as relationships, family problems, and also high school drama. I was really able to reflect on these issues that I also deal with in my own life. However, I could not relate to the main issue, which is London’s memory loss. London Lane is the main character in the novel, and after each day, she forgets everything from that day at exactly 4:33 am. She is only able to remember things from the past through her notes that she must read each morning when she wakes up. I thought that this was totally un realistic and bizarre.
Although, London Lane is a very unrealistic and bizarre character, I thought it was interesting to forget my self and my circumstances, and follow her as she tries to relearn her life each day. Because of this, I was able to learn more about another view, and therefore I began to become more understanding of my own beliefs.
In conclusion, I thought that this book had a lot of potential to be a good read for teenagers. However, I do not think it was executed properly.

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