Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell | Teen Ink

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

May 1, 2014
By casswilliams BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
casswilliams BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When first making the decision to read the book, Fangirl by Ranbow Rowell, I was extremely hesitant. I did not expect to fall in love with this story as much as I had. It is a wonderful coming of age book about the protagonist, Cath adjusting to the very new world of college. It is not surprising that fellow readers possessed the same enthusiasm about Fangirl as I did.

The book takes you through a whirlwind of realistic teenage problems. Starting with the anxiety Cath feels beginning college at the University of Nebraska. Though I had mixed emotions about her twin sister Wren, who set much different priorities for college. Cath having always relied on Wren to be her social savior was in a rut when Wren refused to room with her. I grew a warm spot in my heart for Cath’s consistent quirkiness; it reminded me not to change who I am. She gets roomed with an intimidating older student named Reagan who had an always present, always beamingly happy boy friend, Levi. It was exhilarating to slowly watch Levi and Cath incidentally fall in love. Wren’s typical college behavior gave off an edge of your seat feel, never knowing what limits of partying she would push to the max. This constantly made Cath feel the pressure to fill the role of a mother in Wren and her fathers life. The trouble Wren got into always made it hard for Cath but taught her to accept help from others and to let people be who they are, this is something I strongly believe in. Cath’s care and worry for her loved ones only made me like Cath and Levi’s growing relationship more.

I enjoyed Fangirl’s ability to pull me into the story instantly, becoming fully immersed in the characters lives. Rowell did an amazing job creating the nerdy character Cath and make you strive to be like Levi. I found the characters and I connected on many levels in the nature of how I try to handle situations and the way I would like to be. Reading this book could not have been more perfect timing with myself getting ready for college. I would strongly recommend this entertaining story to any young adult looking for a book of truth, family and love.

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