Foul Trouble by John Feinstein | Teen Ink

Foul Trouble by John Feinstein

May 1, 2014
By frankc BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
frankc BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In John Feinstein's award winning book Foul Trouble, Terrell Jammerson, the number one high school basketball player in the nation, faces the hardest decision he will ever make in his life. Terrell must decide whether to violate NCAA rules and put his college basketball career in jeopardy, or turn down a great deal of money and stick to the rule book. He does not have to face this decision alone however. Terrell has his best friend and point guard Danny Wilcox standing by his side the whole time. Will Terrell take the money? Or will he play for the love of the game?

John Feinstein does an incredible job writing this story. From his wide range of basketball terminology, to his use of real life players and coaches, Feinstein most definitely knows what he is writing about. He does a tremendous job reflecting reality, especially when referring to some of the most iconic basketball coaches of all time in Mike Kryzewski of Duke and Roy Williams of North Carolina. He not only mentions these historic coaches, but also mentions the greatest to ever play, Michael Jordan. What is a basketball story without Michael Jordan in it. Although this story is considered fiction, Feinstein does a great job making this story as believable as possible.

A lot of the issues in this story are very much relevant in todays world and I think that is the most important thing the audience needs to take away from reading this. NCAA violations are some of the most ongoing issues happening today. Whether it is student athletes receiving improper benefits such as cars or money, or the use of drugs, these are violations that happen daily. Feinstein does a fantastic job informing the audience that these are violations that need to be stopped.

I really enjoyed reading this book and would recommend it to someone who is a basketball fan. The only reason I would say a basketball fan is because, like I mentioned before, the basketball terminology would be kind of hard to follow if someone does not know the sport that well. All in all, this was a very enjoyable book that I loved reading .


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