Quarantine The Loners | Teen Ink

Quarantine The Loners

May 2, 2014
By MadeleinHimmelein BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
MadeleinHimmelein BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Quarantine The Loners, provides a parallel reality for a high school student, emphasizing teenagers abilities to survive while following the social food chain. Although Quarantine does not allow the reader to escape from his or her life in high school, an older or younger reader might find a better escape from everyday trials. Quarantine is consistent throughout, and provides significant insight on the inner workings of high school demonstrating the author’s impeccable writing skills.

Quarantine The Loners does not provide an escape for students because students feel like similar to David. Even though the story was about a high school being quarantined I could visualize students from my own school in similar groups and acting out in the same way. Since David is a senior his desire to move on from high school was understandable to me. Although I could relate to the high school setting, it did not provide an escape for me.

Quarantine The Loners impressed me with the author’s style of writing, allowing me to get lost in the story. The author utilizes artistry to depict the gross scenes that are told throughout the book. Once the groups or clicks start forming each one has a specific name and as the author goes into detail it is made clear that the names meant what each group was like in a typical high school setting.

Quarantine displays high levels of internal consistency through the plot and characters. I never felt confused or unknowing of where characters belonged since they followed the pattern of normal high school cliques. Quarantine does not exemplify the beliefs of the students at all because some of the characters’ personal beliefs are compromised due to survival. Quarantine demonstrates unbelievable amounts of clarity due to the simple yet interesting characters and the dynamic plot.

Overall I enjoyed the novel, Quarantine The Loners, because it put my life into perspective and made me think about my survival in a quarantined high school. The authors’ descriptions allowed the reader to escape while also providing a reflection of reality for high school readers. The author used artistry to depict gross scenes of the disease and fighting between groups while also staying internally consistent. I would recommend Quarantine The Loners to high school teens that want a book that they could relate to and see themselves in.

The author's comments:
This is a book critique on the book called Quarantine The Loners.

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