Maximum Ride Schools Out-Forever by James Patterson | Teen Ink

Maximum Ride Schools Out-Forever by James Patterson

April 9, 2014
By Jack Myers BRONZE, Cincinnai, Ohio
Jack Myers BRONZE, Cincinnai, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Maximum Ride: School’s Out Forever
By: James Patterson

Maximum Ride: Schools out Forever, by James Patterson, is for ages 11-16 year olds. Imagine taking care of six mutant freaks that all have wings, including me, another freak named Max. The “Flocks” names are Max, who is 14,(she is the head of the “Flock”), Fang, who is also 14,(Sometimes he calls the shots, but Max hates when he does this), Iggy, who is 14(who is blind and cooks very good), Nudge, who is 11,(she is also the best hacker in the world), The Gasman, Gazzy,(they call him that because he farts a lot) who is 8, Angel, who is also 8,(Don’t say anything mean in your mind about her because she can read minds), and don’t forget the talking dog named Total(who can be very annoying most of the time). So total there are 7 freaks, if you want to count the dumb dog too. And if you think that is not good enough for you, how about you throw in the mad scientist who is trying you take you to your lab to do more experiments on you? And if you still want more, which is insane, don’t forget the half dog, half human things that always try to catch you, called Erasers.
This book is the second heart pounding, cliffhanging, unpredictable book of the series. You need to read the first book before reading this book for all of this craziness to make sense. If you already read the first book or want to “Jump the gun,” this is the place to be. This second book is about how the “Flock” lives their lives after they get Angel back from the School( the school is the scientist lab) . You might be thinking “Oh, it will be a happy ending because they are all together,” well no. If you count Fang almost dying, going to a hospital where people now know that they are all angels, and how they are crowded by FBI’s, then yes.
Here, let me slow down. The flock was up in the air when all of a sudden, FLYING ERASERS started to attack them. The flock was winning when all of a sudden Ari, yes I said Ari, came and started to beat the heck out of Fang. For you who are all new, Ari is one of the main Eraser. But here is the thing, Max accidentally killed him in the first book, so he pretty much came back from the dead somehow. Now when Fang was getting his butt kicked, they all retreated and headed to the ground. He got pretty injured. When they were on the ground, a jogger happened to see them and when he saw Fang, he called 911. When they got to the hospital, the nurses kept on asking them questions on why they had wings. Of course they had to get the FBI on the action to make it even more crazy. All FBI’s agents were mean and asking them tons of question but one. Her name was Anne walker. She offered them to stay at her house. They all want to go but Max because she is always suspicious, but the Flock finally convinced Max for them to go to Anne’s house. Everything seems to go well, until Anne says they need to go to school. So when they go to school, everything goes O.K, but some things go kind of downhill. First of all, Angel can read the teachers’ minds to get the answers’, Fang found a Kissy friend now(Max says she is not jealous), Gazzy and Iggy get in trouble a lot because of yelling at the teachers and, what was that other one, oh ya, blowing up bombs in school. But Fang is not the only person who has a lover, Max now has a Boyfriend named Sam. When they were on their first date, she saw Ari in the window. After that moment, everything in the book goes downhill.
I am not going to tell you what happens next, that is only for you to find out. I would rank this Book a 10 out of 10, and this series a 11 out of 10. This book has cliffhangers, it’s thrilling, it’s scary, it has a lot of action, and this is a type of book where you can never put it down. If you like all of these things, then this is the book for you.

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