The Book Thief | Teen Ink

The Book Thief

April 4, 2014
By JessicaLovesU BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
JessicaLovesU BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Liesel is the young girl who has been taken in by the Hubermans after her mother was most likely killed by Hitler's orders. Later in the book she makes a best friend and meets a jew with beautiful hair. She learns to read as Hans stays up late with her teaching and soothing her nightmares about her young brother that with always be young.

Chapter 1: My Words
“The Book Thief” is a book that has been turned into a movie earlier in the year 2014. The book and movie’s setting is placed in Germany during the reign of Hitler. I found the movie to be ok, but the book to be better.

Chapter 2: The Book Thief
Liesel Meminger is played by Sophie Nélisse and I believe that no one could have played her character better. She is exactly how I pictured her, sweet, playful and very bright. She expressed many different emotions that made me light headed and sometimes the feeling of being unable to breath.

Chapter 3: Boy with the hair of lemons
Rudy in this film is played by Nico Liersch. .He played liesel’s best friend and I think he displayed nothing but love, support, and playfulness. His appearance and attitude are practically identical to how the character was described in the book “And the boy whose hair remained the color of lemons forever”.

Chapter 4: Tough Love
Rosa is very tough it seems like she has placed a wall around herself to protect her only letting people she loves in such as Liesel, Hans and Max. She is very protective of the people she loves. Rosa is different than I pictured her as I read the book. I felt like there was more emotion being shown in the book than out of this character. I think maybe a different actor would have suited this character. Although Rosa is strict with Liesel, she has a big heart. Rosa can be very gentle, caring and loving when it is necessary.

Chapter 5: The Push Over
Hans is a big push over, he loves to spoil Liesel in any way he can. This includes staying up late teaching Liesel hoe to read or soothing Liesel’s shrieks throughout the night. The actor that played this character is a perfect choice. Hans, so gentle, caring and such a big heart.

Chapter 6: My Words and Toughts
I found the book to be more emotional that the movie left out many important scenes such as the nightmares, the scene where Mr. Stein finds out about his families fate, and the pilot scene, in which the emotion were more than words. They flowed from the pages smoothly and intensely emotion seeping from each and every page. I wouldn’t recommend this movie unless you have read the book first to get all details and to fully follow along with the movie’s plot. I rate this movie 7 out of 10 and the book an 11 out 10. I would recommend the book over the movie and to people of all ages. It depicts a very dark time with some light, like a hole of black with a variety of colors slowly appearing over time, they begin to appear when they are no longer fearful of being over shadowed by the darkness.


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