Eragon by Christopher Paolini | Teen Ink

Eragon by Christopher Paolini

April 8, 2014
By Calvin Seeman BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Calvin Seeman BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Eragon starts as an innocent farm boy living in a country called Alagaesia. One day, he hunts in the Spine, the wall of mountains dreaded by the people of Carvahall, Eragon’s town. He is by a stream when, wait for it… a BIG BOOM happens and a mysterious blue stone appears in the crater of the blast (This book is obviously good with big explosions). So he takes the stone and tries to sell it when he keeps the stone in his room one night, it makes a noise and cracks. Out pops a little blue dragon.

You probably can guess what happens next, he raises it, does heroic deeds and saves the world from destruction. A typical hero. Yet, Christopher Paolini introduces a new kind of hero in this book and series. He introduces a hero that knows absolutely nothing and is relatively stupid until the dragon hatches.

What you will find in this book is a very addicting story which you cannot put down. What I personally found amazing in this book is that there are no sappy love scenes where it gets sort of graphic. That’s a good thing. Another sense you get from reading this book is the sense that you are not Eragon exactly, but a part of him. This sense is enhanced when he learns his new abilities taught by the storyteller Brom, who is surprisingly important and he has a few secrets he may have up his sleeve.

So, this book does have evil and death, as with any other book of its type. Knowing this , I would like to introduce the Ra’Zac. They are the typical, kill, murder, and hated bunch headed by the cold, mean, murderous Empire. But, there is a twist, these “beings” aren’t even human, they are… things.

This book reminds me of the European Renaissance. At the beginning of the book, he is pretty oblivious to the world until the Ra’ Zac do a terrible crime because of the dragon. He slowly learns more about the Empire and how cruel it is and how the world around him is more important. But, of course, the Renaissance had the plague, there are lots of low points in this book, like the Yazuac Revelation. (Which I cannot tell you about) Finally, the book nears the time when Eragon joins the Varden, a mysterious group who opposes the Empire in any way. Eragon there learns even MORE about the Empire and its cold past. Think about getting to the Varden as the famous 1492 expedition to America.

Overall, this book is a very well-written and addicting book which introduces the new stupid hero which learns about his abilities, like real people in the real world, who tend to get progressively smarter as time goes on. You also learn about many strange characters which I cannot reveal in case of giving away the climax and plot. I would recommend this book if you have a report and a lot of time, because this book has a very long, rich plot and a lot of characters that can actually change the way you look at the book by how you interpret the characters. I think this book is very well-written and Christopher Paolini is a truly gifted writer.


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on Apr. 9 2014 at 11:44 am
Calvin Seeman BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
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