The Book Thief by Markus Zusak | Teen Ink

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

April 4, 2014
By _Dev, BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
_Dev, BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If you haven’t watched the movie “The Book Thief”, you have missed out on a lot. This story takes place in a fictional town of Molching, Germany in 1939. This story contains Jews and German characters. The setting in this story is a back in the day type of scene. The adult characters in the book seem old and the younger character seems to be in their beginning teen ages. Also, most of the Jews in the story get killed in the book and this was around the time of the Holocaust.
When the protagonist Sophie Nelisse who plays Liesel in story finds out that her mother is giving her away to foster care, Liesel gets very worried. When she moves with her foster parents Hans and Rosa, she has many dreams about her brother. At her new home with her foster parents, they are hiding a Jew named Max in their basement. Liesel and Max become very close friends. Liesel also have another good friend on the block she lives on named Rudy. Liesel and her foster father Hans become very close and he teachers her how to read and write.
Geoffrey Rush who plays Hans (Liesel foster father) is a very good character in the story. He really cared about Liesel and treated her like she was his own child. He had other children but they were grown. He cared for Jews that’s why he tried to hide Max in his basement and save a Jew on the streets. He also worked very hard at his job even though he was an older man. He cared for a lot of people and harmed no one.
Max in my opinion was also a very good character in the book. He first lived with his parents but then he left them and went to go live with Hans and Rosa. They hid him in the basement for many years and they never got caught. He had not seen daylight in many years. Max ended up getting sick and they had brought him upstairs by their fireplace so he could stay warm. When he was sick, Liesel brought him a new gift every day. Then he got better and they put him back in the basement. One day Max decided to leave the house on his own and went to live his life.
Overall, The Book Thief is a very good story. The character played very good roles as acting out the characters in the book. This was one of the best very old movies I have seen so far. This movie is also interesting. This story show very many themes in it throughout the movie.

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