Just One Tear by Kate Mahon | Teen Ink

Just One Tear by Kate Mahon

April 4, 2014
By LaineyJoe00 SILVER, Moundsville, West Virginia
LaineyJoe00 SILVER, Moundsville, West Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
We came together underneath the stars above. What started out as liking, soon became love. I sense a certain something that, in my heart, felt so true that I knew I waited all my life to fall in love with you.

Just One Tear is about a fourteen year old boy that watches his father be shot and killed. He now has to go to trial and talk to the judge about what he saw and heard. As a fourteen year old this must be extremely hard to go through. This is a true story that happened to such a young man. As you go farther into the story the boy and his mother spread very far apart. Not physically, but emotionally. This book is a diary entry. Almost everyday the boy writes in his journal and then he goes to the beach. Sometimes he goes to the beach before he writes in his journal. Later, the boy meets another boy at the beach. They become great friends, too!

This is a phenomenal book! I highly recommend you to read this book. It’s kind of a tear jerker though. The reason the book is called Just One Tear is because at the end of the book the boy just wants to cry so bad, but he doesn’t he only sheds one tear. I cried at the end of the book because it’s very emotional, but it’s great! The boy and his dad were so close. The boy just asks why it had to happen and why did he have to be there when it happened. This book is short, and it’s a two month entry, but it’s extraordinary!

The author of this book is Kate Mahon. Kate Mahon is a children’s book writer and publisher. Just One Tear is the only book that she has published, but she plans on writing more! This book is recommended for ages 12-18 years old. I loved this book because it gave so many details. It didn’t tell too much about the trial, but I liked it a lot! I would not recommend this book for anybody 11 years old or younger because they probably wouldn’t get how it’s describing everything. I really hope that you read this book!

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