Twilight | Teen Ink


November 14, 2008
By Anonymous

Twilight is offically the best book ever. It has romance,suspence,and a dash of mystery, add all those togther and you get a New York Times Bestseller.The book is about a girl named Bella and a lonley vanpire named Edward and they both fall in love with each other but you,ll have to read it to get more info on the book.The auther is Stephanie Meyer. If you haven't herd then im telling you now their coming out with a movie on November 21 08. Seven days till it comes out. if you haven't read Twilight yet then you better husel because like I said only 7 more days till the movie comes out. And if you do finish Twilight then there are tree other books out including. New Moon,Eclipse,and Breaking Dawn.Well I hope you take my advice on reading Twilight because i give it a 10 out of 10.

The author's comments:
I picked this picture becaus i think it is perfect for the book twilight

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