The Fault in Our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

March 27, 2014
By CamiH. BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
CamiH. BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
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The Fault in Our Stars
By John Green

The Fault in Our Stars is an amazing book for young-adults. The only reason that I would say this book is directed towards young-adults is because there is some cursing, and some of the words used are directed toward more mature people. This book is about a girl, Hazel Grace, who has cancer. Hazel’s mother doesn’t believe she gets out enough so she decides to attend a support group. At this group she meets a boy named Augustus Waters, and they connect because he has just finished his battle with cancer. Most of the time spent in this book is when they both travel to Amsterdam to meet their favorite author, Peter Van Houten. They wanted to meet him because they have previously read one of his books, but they wonder what will happen to the characters next. But something crazy happens in the book. What is it? Well you will have to read it to find out.

I never really enjoyed reading until I started reading this book, and I could not seem to put it down. This book immediately got my eyes stuck to it. This book has characters that John Green describes amazingly well. The vocabulary that he uses made me feel like I was in the book, and I was with everything as it was happening. Overall, John Green is an amazing author with ways to write a book that are able to interest the reader. There are a lot of plot twists in this book which makes it absolutely amazing, and interesting. The book does go by pretty quickly; you just get sucked into it. Some scenes were a little longer than others, but nothing was too short. I knew exactly what was happening pretty much the whole book. The hook he uses in this book is amazing too. The first sentence is,
“Later in the winter of my seventeenth year, my mother decided I was depressed, presumably because I rarely left the house, spent quite a lot of time in bed, read the same book over and over, ate infrequently, and devoted quite a bit of my abundant free time to thinking about death.” (1 Green) When I read this it made me curious to find out more on what was going to happen. And I immediately kept on reading. John Green was able to create a hook that makes people wonder, and want to know more. I was actually very upset when the book ended.

All of these reasons are why John Green is such a fantastic author, and why the book was so good. This book is so great that it is even a New York Times Bestseller, and they are making a movie for it. The movie will be coming out June 6th, 2014. This is definitely a book I plan to read again in the future. My overall opinion on the book is that it was very good, and I think you should read it!


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