The Fear by Charlie Higson | Teen Ink

The Fear by Charlie Higson

March 24, 2014
By HappyDay BRONZE, Phx., Arizona
HappyDay BRONZE, Phx., Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Fear written by Charlie Higson is an action packed, zombie killing, phenomenal book. A disease has spread world wide killing off all of the humans over 16 years of age. Leaving all the younger kids to fend for themselves in a big mean and grotesque situation. Most kids call them the grown ups or gym bunnies but the kids that know the real power call them the fear.
The Shadowman was a name given to a boy in The Fear he says “He’d known it all along.Known what to call them.The Fear.” (Higson 486) he states this because he had know what to call them the whole time the other side, the enemy. There are many groups of kids throughout the book such as Maxie,David,Blue,and DogNut.These groups have constant and mischievous trouble running into zombies and outcast’s which are other kids who fight for food. They have heard a rumor from a boy named Jester saying that Buckingham Palace is the safest place to go, they decide to take the adventure on and march on towards Buckingham Palace thinking it is safe.

Many kids die on this feat but many are hopeful and survive. Some people die is what I can relate to in my life. I really had a great time and experience reading this book, if you want to know what zombies look like this gives you an up close and personal look at the life of kids surviving in that kind of situation. I also enjoyed the switching of peoples roles, every chapter or so it would change to a another character.
It also even switched to a mother zombie giving us a look at the other side.The kids reaction is almost real, the way kids react and respond is very similar to what I would do and or say in that situation.I would recommend this book to all high school students from seniors to freshmen, really anyone looking for an adventure should look into this book. It will not waste your time.

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