The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness | Teen Ink

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

March 14, 2014
By Jasmine Rice BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Jasmine Rice BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
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The Knife of Never Letting Go Book Review
The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness is heart racing novel. Your sweaty palms do not want to put the book down. Patrick Ness keeps the readers enthralled with the exciting adventures of Todd and Viola. Published on May 5, 2008 but wasn't popular until 2012.
Todd is exactly one month away from being a man when he and his dog found quietness. Every man on the New World has noise, which means one has no private thoughts. Todd thought the the noise killed all the women, but the history of the New World a lie. Once he tells Ben and Cillian about the quietness. They urge him to run away. Has he is running down the river, he hears gunshots. At this moment he knows, he had to run. In the survival kit Ben and Cillian gave him his mother's journal.
When he arrives to the swamp, he sees Aaron trying to kill a girl! Todd saves Viola, but does not kill Aaron. Viola and Todd have to get to Heaven, a city in the New World, without getting capture by the army. Todd finds out the truth about the history of the New World. Viola and Todd learn to care and protect each other.
Ness's styling of writing was simple and easy to read. The theme of The Knife of Never Letting
Go the disturbance of authority. Todd leaving caused the mayor to create an army of the men of
Prentisstown. The mayor does not want Todd to have innocence about the history of the New
World. Mayor Prentiss's were ameliorated after Todd left. This cause the war to begin, so the
"Army [was] effective" with burning down cities just to get Todd and Viola (Ness 478).I would
Recommend The Knife of Never Letting Go to any young adult; that loves adventure and

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