Fall of Reach by Eric Nylund | Teen Ink

Fall of Reach by Eric Nylund

March 14, 2014
By AsianSwegWaffles BRONZE, Phoenic, Arizona
AsianSwegWaffles BRONZE, Phoenic, Arizona
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Eric Nylund, the author of Fall of Reach, goes on an adventure following Master Chief. Master is a spartan in a war of humanity against a group of alien species called the “Covenant”. He wants to serve his best, but he locks away everything that makes him weak. Eventually he locks away his emotion, and he tries to find it back which he does. Master Chief still goes on to help humanity in the war.

The emotions Master Chief have were that mostly thought of a freak, because he is a spartan. The spartans get captured when they were six years old, and they got drugged and trained to be super soldiers. It is like going to kindergarten in the first day, because no one knows your story; however, they just assume whatever they want. Even though the Master Chief wanted to lock his emotions away, he got to a point that hit him deep. In one the last spartan’s last mission to capture the Covenant leaders, the Prophets, he lost a lot of friends which made to the point to make him weak. Those emotions still made him persevere to victory in the mission, but they had to evacuate because planet Reach was getting invaded.

I did end up loving the book and perhaps the whole series. My favorite part was that the Master Chief getting load in the Pillar of Autumn. Captain Keyes was barely getting use to the ship, but he didn’t know the spartans were in the ship. All of them were ready to reach their limits in a major battle. One thing I would change is the part which Reach was getting invaded, but they don’t show much details. They stick with the Master Chief in the Pillar of Autumn. I would recommend this book to science fictionist with interested in the advance technology, future military warfare, and aliens. They can continue from the series from the start to just read.

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