Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins | Teen Ink

Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

March 14, 2014
By KNguyen BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
KNguyen BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
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The novel Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins had a very clear theme of teen romance. Romance tends to make teens feel like they are in cloud 9 which is perfectly represented when Lola said “And if I’m the stars, Cricket Bell is entire galaxies. (pg. 334)” The novel explores Lola, our lively costume designer protagonist living in San Francisco. She is an individual who likes to stand out in the crowd; furthermore, she is living a steady life with her family and boyfriend, Max. Things get interesting when her first love moves next door. Lola and the Boy Next Door was copyrighted in 2011.

Lola Nolan is a seventeen year old teen, who only has two wishes. One of her wishes is for her parents to accept her boyfriend, Max, while the other is to attend the school dance in her own design. She views her first love, Cricket, as a man who is intelligent, passionate and quiet who she is no longer in good terms with. Her life turned upside down when a family moved into the neighboring house. To her surprise and utter horror, it is the Bell family. Now, Lola has to struggle with her redeveloping feelings for Cricket again and her ever-growing problems with Max.

I would recommend Lola and the Boy Next Door to any teens that love romance. The novel is not the typical romance story where the two protagonists meets and falls in love; instead, Lola and Cricket had to overcome obstacles that the readers would never see coming. Furthermore, with all the characters’ unique personalities and Carson’s vivid descriptions, it makes the reader feels they are really there. Moreover, Lola and the Boy Next Door involves the typical teenage life, which most could relate too. The novel is a perfect read that has a roller coaster romance and crazy outgoing characters that would keep readers on their feet.

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