The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson | Teen Ink

The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson

March 14, 2014
By KNguyen BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
KNguyen BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the series The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson, it illustrates about an overweight princess who was declared as the bearer of the godstone. Additionally, she was arranged into a marriage at the mere age of sixteen to the neighboring country for political reasons. The first book of the series explores how she gains a better understanding on the meaning to be a bearer of the godstone and how to defeat Invierne; it is a place threatening her country. Carson had one important theme; it was power which was represented when the Crown Princess said to Elisa “Do not be afraid to be queen. (pg. 22)” The first book of the trilogy was copyrighted in 2011.
Lucero-Elisa, the second daughter of the royal family in Orovalle is the second princess in and the bearer of the sacred godstone. She was always in the shadows of her older sister, Crown Princess Juana-Alodia. After she married to King Alejandro and moved to the country of Joya d’Arena, things got complicated. King Alejandro refused to tell his country that she is his wife, and the one selected for the godstone. Furthermore, she got kidnapped and went to the hills of Joya d’Arena. From there, she started to discover Invierne, her powers and herself.
I would recommend this book to readers who love fantasy and suspense. With the ongoing war and dark magic, it creates suspense for the reader to see what the main protagonist would do. Elisa is also unique to the stereotypical female heroine. She was an overweight heroine, which is unheard of in young adult fantasies. I would also recommend this to anyone that likes to read about characters blossoming. In the beginning, Elisa was an uncertain and low-esteem princess. Because of the war, she blossoms into a queen that leads a powerful rebellion.

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