The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness | Teen Ink

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

March 14, 2014
By Disney_Nerd BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Disney_Nerd BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
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Favorite Quote:
You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.

Todd Hewitt is the only boy left in Prentisstown, a place of only men - and no women. Ever since the first settlers on New World were infected with the Noise germ, every human and animal can hear each other's thoughts; there is no privacy and there are no secrets. Todd is only a month away from becoming a man, but in the middle of the chaos, he senses that the town is hiding something from him. It is something so horrible and cruel that Todd must run away with only his dog, Manchee. As Todd and Manchee trek through the swamp, Todd hears silence, which does not exist in his world. They track down the source and find a creature thought to be extinct: a girl. They have no time to wonder who she is and how she survived the Noise germ, as they need to get away from Prentisstown. Along with Manchee and the silent girl, Viola, Todd must face the truth and figure out how to survive.

I personally believe that I relate the most to Viola. Throughout the story, she is confused, and therefore relies on her instincts to help her survive. I have felt this way before, although not to such an extreme extent, of course. Viola is courageous and headstrong, and I would hope that I am as well. She does not make any rash decisions, and she is a logical thinker. Viola understands many things; therefore, she is able to see what she can do to help. Viola, in my opinion, is the strongest character in terms of emotions.

As soon as I finished this book, it became my favorite. It's emotional and adventurous and so much more. I don't believe I had a favorite part in the book, as the entire story was exceptional and entertaining. It has a way of getting you to keep reading, no matter how many times you say "Just one more chapter!"

In conclusion, The Knife of Never Letting Go is a fantastic read, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a good book. It has action, adventure, logic, and everything else you can think of. The Knife of Never Letting Go is a book for everyone, and everyone should read it.

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