Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte | Teen Ink

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

March 13, 2014
By Disney_Fangirl BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Disney_Fangirl BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
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Favorite Quote:
The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all. ~The Emperor (Mulan)

In Emily Bronte’s novel Wuthering Heights, a man named Mr.Lockwood rents a manor house called Thrushcross Grange in the country side of England in 1801. After meeting his rather cantankerous landlord: Heathcliff, owner of Wuthering Heights, Lockwood becomes curious about the whole backstory behind this mysteriously intriguing character thus, leading him to ask his housekeeper Nelly Dean what she knows. Throughout the book, we follow the life of Heathcliff from childhood to his death. We discover that Mr.Earnshaw takes him in after finding him in the streets and raises him as his own. Mr.Earnshaw grows closer to Heathcliff than he is with his two other children Catherine and Hindley. After some years, Mr.Earnshaw dies leaving Hindley in charge. Hindley having an enormous amount of hatred towards Heathcliff, lowers his status to a servant. Heathcliff then runs away when the young woman he loves, Catherine, despite her overpowering love towards Heathcliff marries another for social advancement. He returns later rich, and educated and sets about gaining his revenge on the two families that he believed ruined his life.

After reading this novel, I think I could fairly relate to both Catherine and Heathcliff. Growing up I was quite the wild child but as I matured, I became more lady-like and bucked down kind of similar to Catherine. Also just like Heathcliff, I can handle being picked on and I don’t really “get even” through insults or fighting back physically. I mainly just tend to overpass them intellectually knowing that I will come out being more successful later on.

To be honest, I enjoyed the book. You get engrossed with the amount of plot-twists and paranormal events that happen also not to mention it is also a romance so you don’t really get bored with it. My favorite part of the book was when Heathcliff and Catherine have a romance behind Linton’s back it was quite scandalous also when Heathcliff begs her spirit to haunt him in any way when she dies. It was a sweet act, in their own peculiar way. My least favorite part though was when Catherine chose to marry Edgar Linton when she clearly loved Heathcliff more since they were more compatible but apparently, her status was far more important which damaged Heathcliff leading him to run away.

I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone who is willing to deal with the olden day vocabulary in which this book is written. Overall that is the only downside, I think that whoever is interested in thrillers, romance, and paranormal novels should give this book a try it really is worth it and you will end up loving it like I did.

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