Looking for Alaska by John Green | Teen Ink

Looking for Alaska by John Green

March 10, 2014
By KennyN BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
KennyN BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Miles Halter, a junior in high school, attends a boarding school in Alabama. Miles also known as "pudge" has an extraordinary talent that no one has heard of; he can remember people's last words.
While in search of "The Great Perhaps" Miles runs into two new extravagant friends, Chip and Alaska. During his adventure, Miles runs into yet another "quest"; Alaska asks him to find "The Great Labyrinth."
Miles gets himself into mischievous adventures with Chip and Alaska; he pulls pranks, drinks, and smokes. While doing these mischievous things, he simultaneously tries to keep up his grades, and yearns to make Alaska his girlfriend.
While drunk, Halter was caught up in a serious dilemma. His short term crush Alaska gets into a tragic car accident and dies. After her death Chip and Miles search for the cause and reasoning of the accident, and grieve deary over her dreadful death.
The sequencing and suspense in this novel is perfectly placed. John Green uses phenomenal quotes that pertain to the importance of life such as,"...but it doesn't much matter when you have just now realized, all the time later, that you are still alive." John Green uses prodigious conflicts throughout his novel Looking for Alaska.
Looking for Alaska by John Green published in 2005 is truly a phenomenal novel. I highly recommend readers who love suspense and drama to read this novel.


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