Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell | Teen Ink

Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell

March 10, 2014
By Anonymous

In the novel 1984 written by George Orwell, Big Brother is the mystery leader and the ruler of London in the nation of Oceania. Winston Smith, the main character, experiences the life of totalitarianism. Orwell describes the life of Winston and how he rebels or seeks an adventure with Julia, his lover. They both make decisions that will cause their death or a punishment by the governors policies.

Under no circumstances Winston or any other member of society can have freedom of thought, have sex, or have any expressions of individuality. Winston, to let out his rage, he writes in a journal secretly; otherwise, The Thought Crime will punish him. Throughout the novel, Julia, a young girl, writes him a note claiming that she loves him. Furtively they encounter themselves having intimately sexual relationships which Winston's anger towards the party grows more. They encounter in a store that Mr. Charrington owns which in the end, it turns out that he is a member of the Thought Police. Consequently, Julia and Winston get separated and get tort unturned by their fears . O'Brien makes Winston love Big Brother in the end.

Some people can relate to this book from other countries where the governor rules the society; however, in the United States, one should feel luxurious for the freedom one has. This novel can make one have different opinions and emotions. Personally, I would not like to be in the position that Winston was in. Orwell wrote an amazing book where people are not free.

I extremely encourage one to read this amazing books. People who like history and science fiction will love this book.

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