Champion by Marie Lu | Teen Ink

Champion by Marie Lu

March 10, 2014
By Samantha Chavarin BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Samantha Chavarin BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Champion by Marie Lu
Year of Publication: November 5th, 2013
By Samantha C., Phoenix, AZ

Marie Lu, author of third and final book in The Legend Trilogy, creates the most audacious, suspenseful, and epic romance in the novel The Champion. Lu uses a young girl and boy as her main characters; she ameliorates June and Days beautiful relationship. June and Day have such a great passion for their country, the Republic. While they are having trouble not thinking about each other; however, they are fighting for their country and sacrificing everything they have.
As Princeps-Elects, June finally reunites with Day because he is in the highest level military position; therefore, they work on a peace treaty with their enemies, the Colonies. The Colonies are causing war for Days brother Eden because he is the key for the plague outbreak. Giving up his brother is the most rigorous situation for Day, but Junes convincingness to allow Eden to cautiously be studied on for a cure to the Republic scientists is best for them both. On the other hand, Day and June are working together on this mission towards the Colonies ,and fall in even more love even though it hurts them the most to love one another.
Champion is solely about how to not give up on someone, and this novel is basically making its focal point on risking things in life for the ones you love and care about. For example, June tells Day “Sometimes, the sun sets earlier. Days don’t last forever, you know. But I’ll fight as hard as I can. I can promise you that.” Lu makes such an unbelievable impact on her young adult readers because she creates this powerful love connection with the two main characters showing how they could not live without each other.
Overall Marie Lu has written such a magnificent novel. I highly recommend Champion to a variety of young adults because being young and seeking love, being confused can precisely show you what love meant to June and Day. This novel was absolutely amazing, Lu cannot describe sacrificing something for ones you love in any better way.

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