Out of reach by Carrie Arcos | Teen Ink

Out of reach by Carrie Arcos

March 10, 2014
By ReadAllAboutIt BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
ReadAllAboutIt BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
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Favorite Quote:
"the only way to be real is to be yourself"-everyone

Out of Reach by Carrie Arcos

The book Out Of Reach, written by Carrie Arcos, won National book award finalist. This is one of those books that are meant to get ones heart racing with action, stomach turning from the gore, and heart thumping from the romance.This book is filled with heartbreaking pieces of backstory, which are sometimes funny,sometimes sad, and sometimes sweet. This phenomenal story is perfect for kids around the teenage years. The first line in the book will cajole the person into reading further, at least that is what happened to me.
“The first time my mom told me liars didn’t go to heaven was when she tried to get me to confess to hitting my eight-year-old brother.” (page 1 chpt 1)At that moment I knew I wanted to know more.

Additionally, the authenticity of the story is what makes this book extremely appealing. An interesting novel of a drug addict brother, and son, and how his family learns to preserve and move on from his addiction. The main character in the story is Rachel, also known as the “good” kid of the family, but she is more complex than that.Rachel is one of those characters that most people could relate to because she is very realistic; and is given the same type of problems any teenager would have.She receives an email about Micah being in problems and so she takes a journey with Micah’s best friend,Tyler, to search for and bring him back home. Rachel and Tyler embark on a search that will have her challenging her own dark secrets and having a developing fascination to Tyler.

Furthermore, this story is an occurrence that happens all the time and it can simply happen to anyone.Even though it centers within the dangers of addiction, it explores the weight put on people who are affected by it. Author Carrie Arcos has a unique way of providing readers on the kind of person Micah is through Rachels collection of memories of him even though he has gone missing. As Rachels new information regarding her brothers whereabouts seem to always have a dead-end, readers will bemoan with her. Carrie Arcos writing style is beautiful and precise. She provides rich details right down to characters inner emotions and she easily knows how they would feel. While Rachel conserved her brother’s secrets, he could have forcefully left knowing he let her down. Additionally, Out Of Reach is an authentic voyage of a person who is trying to reconnect to someone close to them, caused by substance and corruption. A line from the book that precisely got to me was when she wrote her last letter to Micah and says,
“ I am letting you go.”(chapter 27 page 249)

Moreover, I would highly recommend this book for people in the teen years and older. This is an explicit book that is not sugar coated, but has extreme curiosity and suspense. This book is honestly for anyone who enjoys reading books they could relate to, because I sure know I do. Not only is the book amazing itself, but so is the cover of the book. An image of a girl lying on the floor in what looks like winter clothing. At least from what I can gather up from the book it has nothing to do with the story, but it appeals to whom sees it. Most people always say “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” but we all know we do. Honestly ,sad to say but that’s how I first was interested. Carrie Arcos is a fascinating, prodigious writer who has done amazing work with this book and more.

The author's comments:
I was inspired by my English teacher who has taught my class to believe in ourselves because we are great writers. I extremely enjoyed this book that appealed to me and felt like almost everyone could relate to it.

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