Sorta Like A Rockstar by Matthew Quick | Teen Ink

Sorta Like A Rockstar by Matthew Quick

March 9, 2014
By Kibrret BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Kibrret BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Keep listening to music, cause it gets you through everything. I promise. "
~ Mitch Lucker 1984-2012

Matthew Quick creates a whole different world where hope actually exists in seventeen year old Amber Appleton; however, that hope she has turns upside down. Sorta Like a Rockstar has all of it. The happiness, the anger, the drama, and most of all, the friendship.

Even though Amber Appleton was going through tough times, she looked passed it with her amount of hope. She would spread that hope, that she contained. She was the hope spreader. Amber lived in a school bus, Hello Yellow, ever since her, her dog, Bobby Big Boy, and her mom got kicked out of her boyfriend’s house. But Amber still seeks that happiness around her with the help of her her best friend’s mother, Donna.

When an accident occurs, Amber is shock. She immediately forgets everything around her. She leaves her best friends, and doesn’t bother to talk to anybody who wants to talk to her. The hope spreader lost it’s hope.

But soon enough, Amber notices everybody around her is falling apart because of her lack of hope due to the accident. That is when Amber snaps out of her trance, and starts to make up for everything she brought down with her. She noticed that not everything revolved around her, and that people needed her hope to have hope in their self. Amber starts to work with her friends again, and she starts to realize she wouldn’t have been able to get through the trouble without them.

Sorta Like A Rockstar is a book I would recommend because of it’s wonderful adventures it has from starting at the way bottom, to rising at it’s highest. The book would want you to be just like Amber and spread that hope everyone should have.

Matthew Quick has been well known ever since his first publication in 2008 when he created the book The Silver Linings Playbook. Ever since, he’s been constantly writing to make new releases. With many more years to come, Matthew Quick plans to make many books to share with his fans to show his admiration for writing.

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