The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks | Teen Ink

The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks

March 8, 2014
By Khuynh BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Khuynh BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just smile and there's nothing you can't overcome."

Nicholas Sparks is a talented writer who captures the readers' hearts and pulls on their heartstrings. In 2003, he published a sequel to "The Notebook" titled "The Wedding." In the novel, Wilson, a middle aged man, has been married to Jane for twenty nine years and is devoted to his work. He forgot their twenty ninth anniversary, and Jane became extremely depressed. Suddenly, Wilson realized that he had been a horrible spouse to Jane and, he decides to try to be the husband she always wanted. It doesn't just take a week to be her dream husband, but a year of preparation and a whole lot of trust.

Wilson asked Jane's father, Noah, for help and advice on how to woo his wife and win her heart back. He received ideas from Noah and prepared the surprise for a whole year at work. Until a week before their thirtieth anniversary, their daughter wanted to get married on their anniversary.

The author's comments:
This book obviously shows the hope of love in a married couple that has been married for years and has problems. It also demonstrates that there is always enough room to change and fix things. Like Wilson, he "suddenly realized that I (he) wasn't quite sure whether she (Jane) still loved" him anymore and he still tried to fix it.

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