Polly Wants To Be A Writer by Laura Thomas | Teen Ink

Polly Wants To Be A Writer by Laura Thomas

February 25, 2014
By GeorgiaGriffiths123 BRONZE, Manchester, Other
GeorgiaGriffiths123 BRONZE, Manchester, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Prior to reading this book, I had a dream of being writer. But it was just that; a dream. With all the pressure of school work and exams, I felt like I'd never fulfill my dream. So when I found this book, I thought it would be perfect for me. And I was so right!

My first impression of the book was that it would just be full of boring tips for being a writer that I'd heard a million times before. But it really is quite the opposite. It's an inspiring tale of a young girl with a dream to be a writer, just like me or you. I never thought it would enthrall me as much as it did, and I never thought in a million years that I would feel such a connection to the main character, Polly. It made me realise how many other people are in my exact situation and that we can all achieve our dreams together if we just put in the hard work and dedication.

Anyone will tell you it's a difficult feat to become a published writer. Being unable to finish that one very first draft can be difficult and Polly portrays this struggle beautifully. She represents every single young writer across the globe in that she is always putting off writing her first draft. As soon as you start reading this book, you will feel a connection with Polly.

Yes, this book is about teaching young writers about the realities of life in the writing world, but it does have a fantasy side to it which makes it so captivating. There were many times while reading this book where I was so fascinated that I just didn't want to put it down.

This book has the perfect mix of teaching and fantasy, making you learn things without even realising! I strongly recommend this book for any aspiring writer who thinks their stories suck which, let's face it, is the majority of young writers!


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