The Gods Book | Teen Ink

The Gods Book

January 31, 2014
By Anonymous

My Book Review
Book title and author: The Revelation Project (Kaylin Worth)
Title of review: The Gods Book
Number of stars (1 to 5): 5

First of all let me just say this book was amazing. I would recommend this book for mid teens! Also did you know my grandfather created this book? This book is fast paced, and is a sci-fi adventure. There are aliens, crescents (flying robots) and bible code.

It starts off with three people who are at work and go into a computer bible. Then they meet people in a different word. Those people in the other realm go to earth. The point of their appearance is to prevent a world war!

They have something called the “Mother ship” That takes over the earth and captures all the surviving people that were left. It went to earth for one and only one reason that was to capture all the humans.
Once the mother ship got what is wanted they took earth into their hands. No one could do anything about it. This book was a very good book. If you are into science fiction you would love it too.

The author's comments:
My grandfather wrote this book

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