The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon | Teen Ink

The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon

November 3, 2008
By Anonymous

The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King is a far beyond amazing book. It's been awhile since I last read it, but it made me feel like I was there with her. It made me lurch and grab onto some hope for Trisha. It made me really relate because I live in Maine and I know what it's like here. I have even been where Trisha has and can just picture everything happening. The details, are so amazing it's so unexplainable in the best possible way. I love his style of writing. Stephen King is a very talented writer. Everyone should read it, young or old inside your heart, you will not be left with regret because this book can bring out so many emotions and feelings. So many thoughts and feelings will be pulsing through your body as you read all the gruesome details of all the terrifying events Trisha must indure.

The author's comments:
I absolutley love writing with all my heart, I want to be an author more then anything. Writing is just what I know i'm meant to do in my heart. It's where my head and heart finally agree that this is where I am suposed to be.


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