Wolves of the Beyond:Shadow Wolf (book 2) by Lasky, Kathryn | Teen Ink

Wolves of the Beyond:Shadow Wolf (book 2) by Lasky, Kathryn

January 17, 2014
By tmclark PLATINUM, Hedgesville, West Virginia
tmclark PLATINUM, Hedgesville, West Virginia
37 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Wolves of the beyond: Shadow wolf is a riveting story, it tells the life of a gnaw wolf who as a pup jumped a wall of fire after being exiled from his clan.

It tells the life of a gnaw wolf who was exiled from his clan as a pup. He was not accepted by the other wolves because he was raised by a bear after his mother died. To make the matter worse, in an attempt to kill he with a wall of fire he managed to jump through. Through some wolves eyes he was defying fate.

I’d say this story is a 5/5. Kathryn Lasky did an excellent job. This book wants to make you keep reading till you are done. And even better it’s not the only book in this series, there are more to read and fall in love with.

This is certainly a book you should read in your lifetime, its full of adventure and meaning. I guarantee you will love it!


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