The Fault in our Stars by John Green | Teen Ink

The Fault in our Stars by John Green

January 16, 2014
By Anonymous

My Book Review
Book title and author: The Fault in our Stars By: John Green
Title of review: The Fault in our Stars
Number of stars (1 to 5): 5

It is a heartbreaking love story told by a teen dying of cancer.
Description and summary of content
Sensitive readers might be uncomfortable with the subject matter and sometimes graphic descriptions of what it is like to die. Hazel has some near-death experiences and also copes with Gus as he vomits uncontrollably, etc. Characters lose eyes, legs, control of their personalities, and more. Also, characters play violent video games and read books and watch movies with high body counts. There is some swearing and drinking, and the two main characters, which are in love, does have (safe) sex, though it is described only briefly. This is a mature and powerful story: Hazel not only provides teens with insight about what it is like to know you are dying and to lose someone you love but her story is also about deciding to love and be loved, even when you know it will cause pain.
It was a really great book I enjoyed reading it, it was a very sad but a very good book.
She lost the main thing in your life that brought her joy and happiness. She knew it was going to happen eventually but it was definitely a tear-jerking ending.

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