The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan | Teen Ink

The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

January 16, 2014
By tmclark PLATINUM, Hedgesville, West Virginia
tmclark PLATINUM, Hedgesville, West Virginia
37 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I like this book. If I had to choose between this and The Lost Hero(also made by Rick Riordan)though, The Lost Hero is what I’d choose. I mainly didn’t because that book’s twice as long as this one and I didn’t have a lot of time to read something that big.This book has some pretty good and memorable characters. The plot though be it slightly cliché has a fair amount of twists. The length is decent, not too short not too long. It gives a good picture of the area.t big.Though not as good as it could’ve been it’s still a good book worth the read. There’s also a lot of twists many early on so I can’t go into deep detail because I would spoil something likely.I say it’s worth your time you get that same feeling at certain as if you were watching a scene in a game or just a movie you always get those feelings when you read this. I enjoyed it and you might to if you see it I recommend you get it.


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