Diary of a Wimpey KId by Jeff Kinney | Teen Ink

Diary of a Wimpey KId by Jeff Kinney

January 16, 2014
By tmclark PLATINUM, Hedgesville, West Virginia
tmclark PLATINUM, Hedgesville, West Virginia
37 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My Book Review
Book title and author: Diary of a Wimpey Kid: Hard Luck By: Jeff Kinney
Title of review: Diary of a Wimpey Kid: Hard Luck
Number of stars (1 to 5): 4 stars

Introduction: Jeff Kinney has done it again; he has created another chapter in Greg Hefley’s adventures.

Description and summary of content: after the events of book #7: The third wheel Greg struggles with being replaced by his best friend’s new girlfriend and he is now looking for a replacement for his best friend Rowley.

Evaluation: I give this book 4 out 5 stars because of its still an original idea but I fell as though the entire book was just one big time filler because of how many times they take time away from the main plot. For example when they are starting to get more into Greg’s dilemma it goes out of its way for an entire chapter just for Greg to go shoe shopping .

Conclusion: Do not get me wrong this book is still a must-read for fans of the series but I feel as like this series is running the river dry for ideas. All negative things aside this is still an amazing book and it is still hilarious just, not as good as the others.

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