Enders Game by Orson Scott Card | Teen Ink

Enders Game by Orson Scott Card

January 15, 2014
By ImBringingTheHorizon BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
ImBringingTheHorizon BRONZE, Ann Arbor, Michigan
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Favorite Quote:
"Stand Up and Scream While the Rest of the World won't make a Sound" - Escape The Fate

Ender’s Game Book Review

By Orson Scott Card

Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card is a sci-fi book about aliens who attack Earth and almost wipe out the human race. The second time the humans are more prepared and they start an army of little kids older and younger than eight. People are scared and the parents have to send children to fight if they have the type of mind that is set to fight and fight so you won’t have that problem again. Ender Wiggin has that kind of thinking which makes him special and he is anyways a very bright kid. I like that about the book, Ender is taking out as an outcast because he is brilliant and has unusual strategies. The writing style intrigues me to keep reading because it has a mystery to it and it saves some information that you wouldn’t have guessed at the time.

The depressing part of the book is that the kids are so young and I’m confused about how they know and understand as much as they do in the book. I don’t even remember being that smart at the age. Of course those kids are picked specifically by a test but they still seem to be a little strange. An older kid named Dink is seeing that the teachers are the real enemy. The teachers make them fight against each other in something called the game. I understand that the way to prepare themselves is to practice but they should’ve found something else to fight, robots maybe. I’m so happy that Dink and Ender had that conversation. When Ender sees the real problem it makes him even stronger. I was really surprised when the story went back to Ender’s family or rather Peter and Valentine. They really do get stuff done though and I’m happy that you did that.

When Ender surprisingly becomes a commander at age nine I was sorta expecting things to go down-hill because he was teaching very well and won a lot of battles of the games and soon started thinking that it is not at all easy and Ender understands how everyone is being used. Ender is the big kid now and so he has to be a good example and I’m surprised of how good he transitioned from being a launchie to a soldier to a commander I was not really shocked when that all happened, it was like the whole starting of the book was leading to that. It made me sorta happy to see that happen because he was going through so much and it was not for nothing and the book proves that. It’s nice to have some books like that I think we need more. He teaches his soldiers very well and when he went to commander school I was surprised above all because he is so young. When Ender passes out I thought that Mazer had officially broken him, that that was his limit. And when he survives and his “test” scores start to succeed even more and the surprise overall that he was actually battling in the real war! I couldn’t believe it, Ender had actually won! I thought that he was going to go home and Peter would love him and everything would be that happy ending, but of course it was something completely different, which is a good thing. It has a has a happy ending though, he’s finally with his sister Valentine and he finds the Queen bugger, how happy for them to still have a chance at life and surviving along with humans even.

This book would always take me by surprize and I really liked the way it did that, it would make want to read the book even more. The way that Ender was so smart and could win everything he tried made me happy because a lot of books have the thing that something goes really good and right after something terribly wrong, which is good, but now and then we need something different to read and that good different thing is this book. I also really liked it because it strongly gives the idea that children or teenagers can succeed at anything and sometimes even greater than the ability of an adult.

The author's comments:
I really liked this book and I hope that others will take the time to read it.

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