Extremely Loud and Inredably Close by Jonathan Safran Foer | Teen Ink

Extremely Loud and Inredably Close by Jonathan Safran Foer

January 14, 2014
By Noah_Amezcua BRONZE, Ypsilanty, Michigan
Noah_Amezcua BRONZE, Ypsilanty, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

OOh, you found a Easter egg! Well, listen to dem dubsteps http://soundowl.com/track/6chv/zaylien-c418-cat-zaylien-remix

What would it be like to be a little kid whose dad died in the 9/11 attack? Frightened? Scared? Ask Oskar, a nine year old boy, who has lived through it. He has had some issues getting over it. The book not only takes place on Oskar, but his grandma, grandpa, and more. The book was a very nice book, and it was fun to read. There was always this one step that wanted to you to read more. The author has an unique writing style, and it stands out from anyone else. The book explains what goes through a nine year old’s head. The phrase, “Heavy Boots”, “Heavier Boots” and “Heaviest Boots” appear throughout the whole book when it is focused on Oskar.

The way he uses the pages to his advantage is really cool. If all a person saw was a white page, that was what the page was. He would also





to explain sadness, happiness, and other things.

Overall, this book was a great book, and I enjoyed reading it. I would recommend this book to everyone over the age of 12.

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