Lord of the Flies by William Golding | Teen Ink

Lord of the Flies by William Golding

January 14, 2014
By Ben Birdsall BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
Ben Birdsall BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
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Over the past few weeks I have been reading Lord of the Flies. Its written by the wonderful author William Golding. This is an action book about some kids who were on a plane that crashed. They do okay for a while but then things get out of hand. This is a good read for any middle school student looking for a challenge. Its got all the things a good book needs and it should be on every school bookshelf.

A plane crashes somewhere in the ocean all of the passengers are children. The two main protagonists Ralph and Piggy find a conch shell on the beach and use it to call all of the other survivors. They have a group effort to distract passing ships with a fire. The fire gets out of control and one of the children cannot be found. For a while they enjoy life without adults but when a ship passes by and the fire is burned out the children play the blame game but the hunters return with their first kill and things calm down.

At the next meeting people are starting to become afraid that there is some kind of beast around. Ralph tells them to think rationally but people report that the beast attacked them on hunt. They go searching for the beast and see the silhouette of a parachute and think it looks like an ape. The hunters all say that Ralph should be removed from power but every else is against it.

Now I don’t really want to spoil anything so thats all you really need to know to be interested in it. I really liked this book because of the language they used in it and the word choice was fantastic. I loved the story because the book reminded me of the first time I went camping except that was a lot less crazy. I think that more middle schoolers should be reading this book because it really was worth my time. I learned that even in times of crisis you should always stay sane or bad things will happen.

All in all this was a great read for me and was completely it. I think if anyone read it they would feel the same exact way. It has great ups and downs and really made me think. I really loved it and will probably read it again. If you ever read it so will you.

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