Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick | Teen Ink

Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

December 20, 2013
By Anonymous

Hush, Hush/ Becca Fitzpatrick
Simon & Schuster, 2009, 391pp.
Young Adult, Fantasy, Romance

This book is full of action, romance, and fear. All Nora wants to do is have the love of her life, Patch, without all the troubles that are deep down within. Patch came into her life when her biology teacher made them get new seats. Once they became biology partners crazy things started to happen in her life. She didn’t know what any of it was but she knew patch was not a good boy to be around. Overtime she started to fall in love with him. Once she fell in love with him she figured out his true identity. The more trouble she knew he was the more she wanted to stay away from him, but the temptation would drag her in even more. Longer and longer she’s with him the more she trusts and cares for him and his deep problem.

This book to me is going to make you turn the page, wanting to see the suspense that is shore to come. To me most books start out boring and don’t get good until the middle. Hush, Hush starts out good right in the beginning. So, if you want to read a great series full of a lot of things you wouldn’t even think was going to happen, then you need to read Hush, Hush

The author's comments:
This is a great book full of suspense.

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